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5 Crazy Marble Trampoline Tricks With Gravitrax

Toegevoegd op 17 november 2023 | Masked Marble

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A world record 121 GraviTrax marble trampolines in a row, plus 4 other tricks.

Buy GraviTrax: https://amzn.to/3xXIZNS (affiliate link)

This video resulted from a poll in which I asked you which GraviTrax extension would you like to see 100 of in a track? Bridges, Spirals, Ziplines, Transfers, or Trampolines! Out of 67 votes, 60% overwhelmingly voted for 100 trampolines! Let me know in the comments below which 100 extension track you want to see next: Spirals, Ziplines, Magnetic Cannons, Transfers, or Bridges!

The previous record of 39 trampolines in a row was set by Eric M. GraviTrax. You can see his video here, in which he also has 4 other excellent trampoline tricks: https://youtu.be/i95abv7JDTA

This track took over 1000 test runs to build. "Merci" to Fred Ef for help in learning the tricks to get back-to-back trampolines to work:
* Build one trampoline at a time, testing with marbles as you add each trampoline
* Control the initial marble speed to be constant for each test
* During the tests, adapt the next trampoline height to ensure the marble bounces in the center of the trampoline.
* Get a good bounce on the marble so it doesn't clip the edge of a trampoline
* Green tiles can help relaunch marbles to restore forward speed
* Average drop of 1 gray height tile (10mm) per trampoline is a general rule of thumb, but it's more complicated than that.
* Because there is variability in a GraviTrax trampoline track, I discovered it was good to test with running 5 marbles at the same time, observing how all 5 hit a single trampoline, and adjusting the trampoline to their average.

Fred Ef is a master of GraviTrax. His tracks contain a level of finesse and artistry seldom seen. He is especially adept in his use of the GraviTrax trampolines. I highly recommend his channel. Here is an example of one of his trampoline tracks:

My channel contains unique and previously unseen GraviTrax tracks, tricks, and tech. You'll see a spinning Christmas tree, grandfather clocks with moving parts, the world's largest GraviTrax marble computer, and more. See my Marble Run Tech series where I turn GraviTrax pieces into pendulums, ratcheting mechanisms, bearings, and more.

You can watch my amazing marble runs here:

Check out my free complete online GraviTrax reference GraviSheet. View the introduction video here:

Camera: iPhone SE 2020
Video Editor: iMovie (iOS) on iPhone SE 2020
Background Music: YouTube Audio Library

#GraviTrax #YesRavensburger #Tricks

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