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Use Code "DALEY" at BrickTactical for 10 free LEGO Weapons: https://bricktactical.com/
My LEGO Customs Store: https://daleybricks.com/
The LEGO City Zombie apocalypse is in full swing with lego zombies in a huge lego zombie army storming through lego city police riot trooper defenses and even through the LEGO Modern Military Minifigures defending against the zombie horde! This LEGO Zombie MOC was a ton of fun to make, would you want to see more LEGO mocs like this in the future? Maybe even a LEGO Zombie Stop Motion ;)
Listen to my LEGO Podcast: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/JbB5RXlrayb
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Last LEGO Giveaway Winner:
Ryan Bridges
Please email me at daleytacticsbiz@gmail.com
#LEGO #LegoStarWars #StarWars
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