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Marbles Roll Down The Wall - Pachinko Pt 2 | Gravitrax Marble Machine

Toegevoegd op 17 november 2023 | Masked Marble

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It's GraviTrax built on the wall, with tricks galore and a world record spiral that is 3.58 meters tall!

Made 100% of genuine Ravensburger GraviTrax parts held up with mounting putty, you'll love this vertical marble run that resembles a Pachinko machine, and reaches from floor to ceiling!

This video is Round 2 of my GraviTrax Pachinko build.
Watch Round 1 here to see how it starts: https://youtu.be/5tt3bYpcyoU

Buy GraviTrax on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xXIZNS (paid link)

In this video you'll see these tricks:
* The world's tallest GraviTrax spiral (3.58 meters, 11 feet 9 inches)
* A moving GraviTrax baseplate rolling down an incline
* Marbles pause as they roll downhill
* The Spiral Jackpot, a marble-propelled spinning spiral marble bearing
* A GraviTrax spinner
* A GraviTrax spinning platform rollling downhill
* A see-thru vertical Gravitrax Plinko
* Lots of marble click-clack and plinking noises
* A 1-meter-tall series of GraviTrax levers
* Many other never-before-seen GraviTrax tricks on a wall

The 3.58 meter (11' 9") tall GraviTrax spiral sets a new world record as the world's tallest GraviTrax spiral! It contains 716 pieces, each giving 5mm in height, or 3580 mm total. The spiral is really unique because it is not taped or glued or firmly held at any point except the base. Instead, a scaffolding was built around the spiral using height tiles, GraviTrax Pro pillars, and double balconies. As a result, the tall spiral wobbles inside this scaffolding as a marble descends!

This GraviTrax Pachinko marble run is my GraviWall 2.0 build. It contains advanced tricks and techniques for building on vertical baseplates. The first version of GraviWall was built in April 2021, and only contained basic techniques and a couple of tricks. See the GraviWall 1.0 video here: https://youtu.be/vMmDUZIO81o

I recommend using Gorilla brand removable mounting putty for attaching baseplates to the wall, and to stick pieces together. It has a good combination of properties for making a solid GraviWall build. The putty is easily removed when done. Several other brands of mounting putty did not work as well.

My channel contains unique and previously unseen GraviTrax tracks, tricks, and tech. You'll see a spinning Christmas tree, grandfather clocks with moving parts, the world's largest GraviTrax marble computer, and more. See my Marble Run Tech series where I turn GraviTrax pieces into pendulums, ratcheting mechanisms, bearings, and more. This GraviTrax Pachinko track contains techniques from Marble Run Tech, and uses GraviTrax pieces in new and unexpected ways to add motion to GraviTrax marble runs. The Marble Run Tech playlist is here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJDGaKsG5JeJGIa4IZZ3VKGlfci1URh2V

You can watch my amazing marble runs here:

Camera: iPhone SE 2020
Video Editor: iMovie (iOS) on iPhone SE 2020
Background Music: YouTube Audio Library
Songs used in this video...
* Nimbus by EveningLand
* Low Life High Life by Dan Henig
* Far Away by MK2

#GraviTrax #YesRavensburger #GraviWall

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