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Top 7 Gravitrax Challenges! Find Inspiration To Build And Grow Your Skills! Rules + 6 🎁 App Codes!!

Toegevoegd op 10 mei 2024 | Gravimaxx Marble Runs

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Looking for inspiration to build? GraviChallenge yourself! This video is made based on frequent questions from my viewers and subscribers!! Often people ask me for app codes of my builds to use in the Gravitrax app. And although I provide them regularly (note: six in this video!), it can be that you don't own all the parts needed to copy the build, right?! The solution is to challenge yourself in Gravitrax, or better: GraviChallenge yourself!! Simply do it with the Gravitrax parts that you already own!! With those parts you can try all 7 challenges that I present in this video. And as Ravensburger has developed Gravitrax as a sort of 3D puzzle, there are many solutions to the same Gravitrax challenge. Each of the 7 Gravitrax Challenges in this video will help you to develop your Gravitrax technique and problem solving skills. And most of all: you will have many hours of building fun! In the video you will also find the rules for each challenge, but feel free to tweak them if needed. Most off all, have fun watching this video and I hope it inspires you to experiment with your own Gravitrax parts! If you enjoyed this video, please leave a nice comment, or even better: a subscription to my Youtube channel? And don't forget to activate the notification bell, so you get notified of my new videos! Your subscription helps me to continue making videos like this! Thanks in advance for considering! Keep those marbles rolling! Regards, Gravimaxx

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